2016 FUMMWA Handbell Festival

March 12, 2016

David Harris, Clinician


David M. Harris has been the director of The Raleigh Ringers since January 1990, when he was instrumental in the formation of the group. David studied music while earning a degree in computer science at the Pennsylvania State University and has received private instruction in conducting from Dr. William A. Payn of Bucknell University. David was the director of the handbell program at Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church, and has served Handbell Musicians of America (formerly the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers -AGEHR) as

North Carolina State Chairman and as Area III Treasurer. He chaired the national committee that planned the very first Community/ Professional Handbell Choir event, Pinnacle 2000, which was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. David is in increasing demand as a clinician and guest conductor, and has led several national Handbell Musicians of America events as well as serving as the primary handbell clinician for denominational music events, such as those held at Montreat, Lake Junaluska and Lutheridge. After growing up in the Northeast, David moved to Raleigh with his wife, Kristina. Dave and Kris have three children: Daniel, Kate, and Jennifer. 

Repertoire List


Acclamation in G Minor - Thompson - Level 2+ - 2-6 Octave Versions 

2-3 oct: AGEHR AG23046, 4-6 Oct: AGEHR AG 46030


Fantasy on Kingsfold - Wagner - Level 2+ - 3-5 Octave Bells with optional Orchestra

Agape 2134


You Raise Me Up - Raney - Level 2+ - 3-5 Octave Bells with optional Cello

Agape 2592


Passion Prophecy - Moklebust - Level 3 - 3-5 Octave Bells with optional Hand Chimes

Choristers Guild CGB584


The Strife Is O'er - Sherman - Level 3 - 3-5 Octave Bells 

Agape 1847






FUMMWA Handbell Festival Flyer 2016
Please download and share this flyer with your church handbell director. Post in your handbell room.
Handbell Festival Flyer 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.5 MB
2016 FUMMWA Handbell Festival Registration Form
2016 Handbell Festival Registration Form
Adobe Acrobat Document 48.6 KB